Cyber Incident Remediation

Once all reactive steps of a cyber incident response have been completed, the final step is remediation. At this stage, you have all of the evidence, results, and documentation of the forensic investigation. Based on the size and nature of the incident, you may also have been required to notify government agencies, clients, and other stakeholders and retain those communications and reports. In addition, data recovery procedures may have been completed depending on the scope and impact of the incident. 

Remediation closes the loop on the cyber incident by answering specific questions, including:

  • What lessons were learned from this incident?
  • What counteractive tasks are necessary to close the case?
  • What corrective actions should be implemented?
  • Does the incident response plan need to be revised based on this experience?

24By7Security remediationOur Services for Cyber Incident Remediation

24By7Security can assist with all activities necessary to closing the incident response case. Our SECURITY 2.0 approach includes the counteractive measures required for full-scale remediation so that your business can return to normal operation as quickly as possible.

This generally involves the following activities:

  • Post-incident review, including lessons learned.
  • Documentation of lessons learned, as well as corrective actions and additional controls needed.
  • Preparation of a plan to implement those corrective actions and controls.
  • Monitoring completion of the corrective action plan.

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